Posts tagged with: students

TweetIt’s just after spring break when I scrawl this poem on the whiteboard. We are three-quarters through the school year, but for many students it feels like it’s already over.......
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TweetHope and the Teacher — José Luis Vilson My colleague asked me point-blank: “You’re saying you don’t think you’re having an effect on kids?” I guess I should have been......
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TweetIn her reflection in Teaching with Heart, Rachel Willis writes how teachers are “powerful beyond measure.” We couldn’t agree more.  Thank you for all you do!   Teachers Are Powerful......
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TweetAll Hearts On Deck — David Henderson Having been the principal of this small, rural high school in Montana for two years and having come from the teaching/coaching ranks of......
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TweetHere are two great ideas for celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day. In Teaching with Heart, Jovan Miles, a high school math coach, shared how he shares poems in his......
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TweetIdeas for Sharing Poetry This week we have several special blog posts we’d like to share. This means we’ll miss posting a few of our daily suggestions for using poetry. ......
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TweetUsing Poetry to remember to find what is beautiful in children:   In Teaching with Fire, one teacher told us that she taped the line “Life has loveliness to sell”......
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TweetA Miracle in the Classroom — by Owen M. Griffith As one veteran teacher told me, “Getting through the school year is like running a marathon where they expect you to......
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TweetThanks to Greg John for sharing his Principal’s Reflections with us. “Flash” is another terrific story from Notes from the Playground.  Greg John writes: I’ve been an elementary and middle......
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