I was delighted when the first Oscar of the night was given to Mahershala Ali for his powerful, nuanced portrayal of Juan in Moonlight – doubly so when he began by thanking his teachers.
Wow. I want to thank my teachers, my professors. I had so many wonderful teachers. And one thing that they consistently told me is – [his teachers] Oliver Chandler, Ron Van Lieu, Ken Washington – is that it wasn’t about you. It’s not about you. It’s about these characters. You’re in service to these stories, to these characters. I’m so blessed to have had an opportunity. It was about Juan. It was about Chiron. It was about Paula…
So teachers – this Oscar belongs, in part, to you!
Watch his full speech here, and be sure to go see Moonlight. The movie captures the lives and experiences of its playwright, Tarell Alvin McCraney, and director, Barry Jenkins, and so many others. I was struck by how each character is complex and multi-dimensional – in other words, they’re real with much to teach us.
I’d like t
o thank…
If you had a winning night at the Oscars, who would you thank?
We can’t give you an Oscar, but we can post your thank you letters (and send a gift) to the special teacher(s) in your life.
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