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The Thank You, Teachers Project

A heart-filled project to lift up teachers,

one thank you letter at a time.

Every day in classrooms across the country, dedicated teachers put in long hours educating students, preparing lessons, grading homework, engaging with families, collaborating with colleagues, and overcoming obstacles. Their work is vital to children, parents, communities, and our future, yet rarely do teachers receive the thanks they deserve. We wanted to change that – so we created the Thank You, Teachers Project.

Through this project, you can thank your child’s teacher or that special educator in your life. (Parents are encouraged to help their children participate.)  Thank a teacher from the classroom, on the field, in the art studio, on stage, in the library, or in the principal’s office. Thank a fellow teacher you admire, your yoga teacher, your child’s coach, your favorite librarian… it’s up to you!

#1 Post a Thank You Letter

Thank You Letter to Ms. Coates

Use this easy form to write a short (200 word) thank you letter.

Once we receive your letter, we will post it on the Thank You, Teachers Gallery and on Pinterest.  We will then email the link to you and your teacher.

If you want the letter posted by a particular date (Staff Appreciation Day, the last day of school, your teacher’s birthday, etc.), please be sure to notify us at least a week before the date.

There is no charge for posting these letters. We donate our time to this effort as a part of our commitment to support and honor teachers.


#2 Post a Letter & Send a Gift Book

To post a letter and send an autographed copy of Teaching with Heart, please fill out the Thank You Letter and Gift Book Package form. With this package, we will:

  • Post your letter on the Thank You, Teachers Gallery and on Pinterest.

  • Mail a copy of your letter and an autographed copy of Teaching with Heart (a book written by teachers, for teachers).

  • Send a copy of your letter to your teacher’s principal or supervisor to ensure that your teacher receives “extra credit” for being such a great teacher.

  • The cost for this gift package is $30.00 (including shipping and handling).

We will post your letter as soon as possible. If you want the letter posted by a particular date (Staff Appreciation Day, the last day of school, your teacher’s birthday etc.), please be sure to notify us at least a week before the date.

#3 Post a Shout Out to all the teachers at your school! 

PTAs, Principals and Parents: You can post a “Shout Out” to all the teachers at your school.  Let your teachers – and the world – know how special they are. You can also arrange for gift books for all of the teachers. It’s a great way to say thank you for all that they do for your students and school.

If you have questions, please check out our FAQ or email us at tyteachersproject@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please help add to this wave of gratitude by sharing this project via Facebook  and twitter @poetry4teachers. Like, follow, tweet and share this project with your friends, colleagues, schools, PTAs, and other networks.

Contributions are welcome to help support and expand this effort so that it reaches teachers across the country.

Thank you for creating a wave of gratitude for teachers!
