TeachersBlogThe Submission Process

Please fill out the form below to submit your blog post. For more details and suggestions for blog posts, check out our submission guidelines.

If you have questions or would like help with your post, please feel free to contact Megan Scribner at teachingwithheartfirepoetry@gmail.com. In creating our three poetry books, she helped hundreds of teachers write about their work and life. She’d be happy to work with you on your blog post.

In exchange for editing, posting and promoting your blog post, we ask that you contribute $30 toward the website or “pay it forward” by writing a thank you letter and sending an autographed copy of Teaching with Heart to a special teacher in your life through the Thank You, Teachers Project The cost for this gift package is $30.

Once you’ve submitted your blog post, we will notify you as soon as possible if your piece has been accepted. Our editorial board will select submissions that represent a diverse range of perspectives and experiences.  Then we will work with you to edit your submission so that it is ready for posting. You may send in more than one submission.

You will retain full rights to your submissions. Submissions will be posted according to themes and openings in the blog schedule.


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