Nominate your favorite poet or poem for the next “Week of…” Who’s your favorite poet? What’s your favorite poem? We had such a great time with the “Week of Fire” that we decided to dedicate a week each month to...
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Making Space In the excerpt below from her book, The Art and Spirit of Leadership, Judy Brown shares how she learns from and takes in people’s insights about her poems. In doing so, she invites us in to co-create meaning...
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Tara Reynolds reading the Italian translation of Fire Judy Brown writes: “This is Tara Reynolds reading “Fire” – “Il Fuoco” in Italian before a fire in Minnesota at a Courage & Renewal gathering. (Tara is a co-founder of WholeHeart and...
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Judy Brown shared this picture of the fireplace in the house where she grew up in Michigan.  She writes: “It strikes me that as a child I likely spent a fair amount of time before that fire. It makes me...
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Today’s post is a video of Judy Brown reading and reflecting on her poem, “Fire.”  Enjoy!...
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Becky van der Bogert’s Reflections on Fire “You have an interstitial lung disease and there isn’t anything . . .” I didn’t need to hear the rest. My mother had died of the same disease. But I was clear about...
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From: Teaching with Fire — Maggie Anderson Coming from Montana, I have learned the art of fire building. I have tried different types of wood, different sizes of kindling, different ways of laying the logs. I used to pile the...
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Introduction to Judy Brown’s “Fire” It is the first full week of January. Most of you are returning to the classroom after time spent in the warmth of family and friends. Many of you will have made resolutions – looking...
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In this week’s book review section, the New York Times published “The Favorite Poem Project.” They asked 25 noted writers (such as Stephen King & Ta-Nehisi Coates) to select a favorite poem and offer a short reflection on what the...
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These days, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the craziness, the frightful things going on, and the hard challenges we face individually and collectively. Yet, through it all, there are stories of individuals stepping up, acting with compassion and...
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