Teachers TalkTeachers Talk:

Interview Questions



  1. Name?
  2. Current position?
  3. How long have you been in education?
  4. What’s a little known fact about you?
  5. When does your job feel the hardest? What helps you get through those hard days?
  6. What makes your heart sing as a teacher? Can you describe a recent day or moment like that?
  7. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
  8. Five items you can’t teach without?
  9. Three books you would recommend to a fellow teacher?
  10. Social Media/On-Line teaching tools: What are 2-3 sites that you use to support your teaching? What is your favorite app you use as a teacher?
  11. Best teaching advice you ever got?
  12. Advice you would give to a new teacher or something you learned that you wished had known earlier in your career?
  13. What do you do to recharge?
  14. Poem or quote that you love?

Send in your responses to teachingwithheartfirepoetry@gmail.com. Please include a photo. It would be great to have one of you at work in your classroom or office. Selfies are fine. If you include others in your picture, please be sure to have their permission.  Thanks!